In the Homeric narrative, Ithaca is the place towards which Nostos is directed, the return journey of Ulysses, who after a thousand trials and tribulations by land and sea aspires to come back home, to his island. The Itaca armchair designed by Gianandrea Gazzola for Promemoria evokes an idea of Nostos, a homesick, while expressing a drive for movement and travel.
The design is inspired by the sailing world: two triangular mainsails, anchored and stretched, form the armchair’s seat and backrest. The two fabric sails have been treated also for the outdoor, with reinforced looped ends for attaching snap hooks.
The entire structure is made of welded stainless-steel rod, while the vertical profile, “the mast”, is made of steel with “polished” aluminium ferrules. As on the open sea when the sails are trimmed, by tilting the mast the backrest can recline. Gazzola, who was born as an experimental musician, makes a daring dislocation by transferring a “piece of furniture” that evokes the outdoors, open sea, navigation and travel into the home interior. This shows how one of the design vocations is to make absence tangible.
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As testimony to a legendary art, Promemoria pieces represent the highest expression of the purest Italian excellence. Craftsmen through ancient techniques and fine materials create an extraordinary symphony of traditions.