
Wanda是一款简约风格的双人床。这款床亮点在床头板,备有多种款型可供选择:可高可低,可带或不带床尾板,以织物或皮革包衬。 床架以山毛榉木制成,但可完全以织物或皮革包衬。床头板可选配两个LED射灯。 Wanda是同名软体家具系列中的一部分。

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Balbianello双人床头板采用木质结构,请参见Promemoria Lake Tales系列|Promemoria
  • Dimensions of Wanda, a double bed from the Promemoria catalogue, with a minimal style and a characteristic headboard | Promemoria
  • Dimensions of Wanda, a double bed from the Promemoria catalogue, with a minimal style and a characteristic headboard | Promemoria
  • Dimensions of Wanda, a double bed from the Promemoria catalogue, with a minimal style and a characteristic headboard | Promemoria
  • Dimensions of Wanda, a double bed from the Promemoria catalogue, with a minimal style and a characteristic headboard | Promemoria
  • Dimensions of Wanda, a double bed from the Promemoria catalogue, with a minimal style and a characteristic headboard | Promemoria