
Rolando是一款外观隽永、简约的餐桌。Rolando全部以白色Carrara大理石制成,直径两米开外的台面由一个中央支腿支撑。中央Lazy Susan旋转托盘传承了古老的东方传统。

Product Details


Special version

The special version of the table, crafted in Verde Alpi marble, further enhances its uniqueness. The natural veins of the marble, with their intense hues, take center stage, transforming the tabletop into a true work of art. 

This is a piece that not only furnishes but also inspires and fascinates, earning its rightful place among the brand's most iconic creations. 



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Tornasole餐桌备有不同尺寸,以实木、大理石或缟玛瑙制成,配有青铜装饰和细节,请参见Promemoria产品目录 | Promemoria